Student-Centric Approach: provides a far greater emphasis on managing ethics at work. The book is applied and practical and thus prepares students to be conscientious contributors to their employers, communities, and the global society. More than other business ethics books, this text focuses on the implications of business ethics for students’ careers and the organizations where they will work.
Structure: A logical structure takes the emphasis from the individual to the organization to the global society. Part 1 establishes a common language and foundation. Part 2 covers ethics and the individual. Part 3 explores individual ethics within the context of the organization. And Part 4 explores ethics within the global society.
Content and Presentation: Each chapter is intentionally short, loaded with examples that are recognizable and meaningful to students, and written in short sections with a conversational style.
Applied Chapter Features:
Where Do You Stand? at the beginning of each chapter gets students warmed up and thinking about the chapter content before reading it.
Ethics in Action provides illustrations of ethical and unethical behaviors and practices by real world and often recognizable individuals and organizations.
For Discussion use discussion-oriented questions to provoke a conversation about ethical challenges and dilemmas.
Chapter Case Studies conclude each chapter with a current and real-world case drawn from a variety of sources such as business news, popular press, and academic research.
Three-Dimensional Problem-Solving for Ethics Framework: This approach is meant to be complementary to the various historical and ethical decision-making perspectives. After learning to apply it to business ethics, students will be prepared to apply it to other problems or dilemmas. The 3D PSE framework is a simple, intuitive, and effective tool.
Chapter 1 Understanding Business Ethics (pg. 1)
Chapter 2 Laying a Foundation (pg. 26)
Chapter 3 Why Good People Do Bad Things (pg. 49)
Chapter 4 Individual Factors That Influence Your Ethics-Related Thoughts and Actions (pg. 70)
Chapter 5 Common Ethical Challenges and How to Handle Them (pg. 86)
Chapter 6 Common Organizational Practices with Ethics Implications (pg. 104)
Chapter 7 The Double-Edged Sword of Leadership and Business Ethics (pg. 124)
Chapter 8 Organizational Culture and Business Ethics (pg. 149)
Chapter 9 The Role of Laws, Codes, and Training in Busienss Ethics (pg. 172)
Chapter 10 Doing Well by Doing Good (pg. 192)
Chapter 11 A Global Perspective of Business Ethics (pg. 215)
Chapter 12 Environmental Sustainability Issues at Home and Abroad (pg. 238)
Chapter 13 The Role of Business in Social Justice and Change (pg. 260)
Case Study: The Cause, Effect, and Impact of Amazon (pg. 290)