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Organizational Behavior: A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach, 2e (book cover)

Organizational Behavior 2e develops students' problem solving skills through a consistent integrated 3-step problem-solving approach that lets them immediately put research-based knowledge into practice in their personal and professional lives. Organizational Behavior 2e explicitly addresses OB implications for students' jobs and careers showing how OB provides them with the higher-level soft skills employers seek such as problem solving critical thinking leadership and decision making. We strongly believe that applying OB theories and concepts provides tremendous value to students' lives today and throughout their careers. The understanding and application of OB enhances student effectiveness at school and work both today and tomorrow.

This powerhouse author team brings their award-winning teaching styles research and professional consulting experience to help students’ better understand and use Organizational Behavior to flourish both professionally and personally. Kinicki/Fugate Organizational Behavior 1e uses a conversational writing style with a visually engaging layout to appeal to todays student. This provides a “chunking” of the content and introduces students to what they are about to learn through a “Major Question/Bigger Picture.” To bring the concepts through to application Kinicki/Fugate 1e employs a problem-solving approach. This is presented through the “Problem-Solving Applications” (30 total boxed items appearing throughout each chapter) that present a business situation. Students work through these scenarios in the “Your Call” feature—a three-step problem solving approach. These are designed to help students apply concepts and strengthen their problem-solving skills. The self-assessments are integrated in the content as well as assignable in Connect through the Interactive Application Self-Assessment tool. These have been hand-picked and researched by the author team to ensure quality and research-based assessments. With this Self-Assessment tool students will be able to immediately assess personal characteristics related to Organizational Behavior concepts being discussed in class.

Organizational Behavior: A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach,1e (book cover)
Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, Skills & Best Practices, 5e (book cover)

In addition to facilitating active learning, Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, Skills & Best Practices (5e) meets the needs of those instructors looking for a brief, paperback text for their OB course, who do not want to sacrifice content or pedagogy. This book provides lean and efficient coverage of topics such as diversity in organizations, ethics, and globalization, which are recommended by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Timely chapter-opening vignettes, interactive exercises integrated into each chapter, practical boxes titled "Skills & Best Practices," four-color presentation, lively writing style, captioned color photos, cartoons, and real-world in-text examples make Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, Skills & Best Practices the right choice for today’s business/management student. The topical flow of this 16-chapter text goes from micro (individuals) to macro (groups, teams, and organizations). Mixing and matching chapters and topics within chapters in various combinations is possible and encouraged to create optimum teaching/learning experiences.



Wall Street Journal

New York Times

Financial Times

Dallas Morning News

MSN Money

Investors Daily Diary


Fox (Dallas affiliate)

NBC (Dallas affiliate)

ABC (Dallas affiliate)


American Banker

Radio broadcasts in the U.S. and Canada

  • Employee Reactions to Organizational Change

  • Employee Emotions

  • Leadership and Organizational Culture

  • Leading Organizational Change

  • Employability

  • Job and Career Transitions

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Copyright © 2017 Mel Fugate |

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